Wont stop the pain

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Jan 16, 2006

I don't know what to say
So don't ask me
I don't know why I'm not OK
When i know i should be

I have the greatest friends in the world
But that is all that i got
i must have did something as a girl
That screwed so much up, a lot

And i know people care
And i know i shouldn't do this
But so much anger is still there
And hurting myself, i miss

I don't want to bother anyone
With childish things that i do
It kills me to lie and say I'm done
But i do hurt myself a little, it is true

As long as I'm not hurting anyone else
Then i think i am OK
Even that I'm the only one who felt
That i should be dealing with it this way

I've made people cry
I've made people yell
I've watched people die
And i live in a living hell

I know my friends care
But for some reason
Them always being there
Won't stop the pain this season


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