So Alone I'm

by Landon Carter   Jan 16, 2006

I bequeathed everything in the name of love and lost it
I found love and then lost it
I don't want to cry but I cry
I pick out happiness and suppress tears
I have become one lonely guy
I wonder how can I smile again
Every night I drown in these thoughts
I don’t know what kind of punishment this is
She was faithless, without any reason
She lost the love she had received
She never thought about what would happen to me
In life darkness has awoken every where and the morning is sleeping
How can I advance? My heart says....

Tears are finished from my eyes, dampness is left
Even the rain pricks me like thorns
I have started to detest red flowers
I hate love songs that remind me of you
What will happen in the future, I am unaware
I await the arrival of an angel from the sky
Who will tell me the truth, I did not know it


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  • 18 years ago

    by xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex

    How can I advance? My heart says....
    ((I liked these lines..))
    Even the rain pricks me like thorns
    ((And love these lines..))

    You're a very good writer by vocabulary...and your emotion shows through.

    xDarkSuicidex 5.5

  • 19 years ago

    by **Stacy**

    Great poem