
by AwakeInDreamin   Jan 17, 2006

You always tell me to grow and act my age.
then you turn on me and say im just a child.
i cant take all this nonsence!
your always yelling at someone,
im scared to come home after school,
thinking that its my turn to be yelled at,
i have come so close to running away,
but theres no where i could go,
through this time i would blame my father,
and then i realized it wasnt my father at all it was you,
i found god during this time,
it would have been better if it wasnt because of you,
im forced to ly to you,
forced to put on a smile,
to pretend im something im not,
Well forget it!
im about to explode!
If their is no place in this world that i cant be happy then grow up,
your the adult not me so start acting like it!
i will stand this for my sister but no one else.
i have grown up and matured alot,
so take the time to notice me


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jimmy Jr.

    That was a great poem it explained how our parents can be good job keep it up oh and email me if you want to

  • 19 years ago

    by Fits

    Again, Thank you, Jessica!

  • 19 years ago

    by Fits

    It doesn't matter if it rhymes or not, All that matters is the heart and feeling you put into it. Enough said. You put your heart into this, the poem is self expression, I think you did a great, no... A way better than great job on this. You're Awesome in my book. Thank you for sharing. You're really really awesome. 900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 000 out of 5!

  • 19 years ago

    by Cueball24

    Good work. Keep it up.

  • 19 years ago

    by brady haupt

    I like this alot, simply because I have kinda the same thing going on im my life right now. It also reminds me of my writting becase im not much of a rhymer. Keep up the good work.