Lucky to be with you

by Live, Laugh, Love   Jan 17, 2006

Words can't explain
How much I feel for you
I never knew I could feel this way
The way I do when I'm with you
You make me smile
With your stupid little jokes
Everything that we've been through
Just makes our LOVE grow stronger
Late at night
I lay and dream of you
My future husband
God, I can't wait to be with you
I know we'll make it through anything
I do love you more than life itself
I am so lucky to be with you!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Robie Lincer

    Thats very nice!
    has all the love emotions in it
    it was short nice, straight to the point
    keep it up

  • I am truly glad that you are happy in love!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Miss Pipp

    Aw thats such a cute poem
    it flows well and shows true feeling 5/5
    keep it up
    ~pip xoxXxox

  • 19 years ago

    by Leah20

    It's cute. If you to read this to a guy/girl, it'd be adorable. I can't say that it's a brilliant work of art, because it isn't, but it sounds like a little cutsy thing between lovers.

  • 19 years ago

    by The Wingless

    OK. I really think this is a wonderful poem. I am sure he will love it.

    But, I think it needs to be longer, but if you can't think of anything, don't ruin your poem. And also, I think the ending is a little weak, but that's just me. Your poems rock.

    I know we'll make it through anything
    I do love you more than life itself
    I am so lucky to be with you!!

    I dunno what you could put as the ending. hmm.