Romance, Enfatuation and Love

by Ben   Jan 17, 2006

Romance, Enfatuation and Love are three very different things. Romance gives short term pleasure but is easily corrupted with ency, sadness and jealousy. Enfatuation seems unescapable able but with will power you can escape the greed, violence and anger it brings. Love though, is something so pure and so deep that not many of us will be graced with it. Love does not appear between boyfriend and girlfriend and it only passes through leaving a light hint between husband and wife. Where it is present, is always with contentness. If you are content, you are in love with no person, no object but life it\'s self

© Copyright of Ben Blackburn - Known as "Ben" on this website. This copyright stands for all marked and unmarked poems and quotes on this website written by Ben Blackburn. Partial or whole parts of the poem may only be used or reproduced under the autherisation of Ben Blackburn. May I stress that I have also taken precautions out of cyber space to copyright my work also.


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  • 19 years ago

    by obsessedgurl

    Hey great job explaining....iyt's incredibly hard to do this but you did an excellent job 5/5