My Soldier is Home

by ~*~*Jenna Leigh*~*~   Jan 18, 2006

"here it comes" everyone screams,
i look up in the sky to see the glistening body of the plane he's in.
watching as it swoops around in the sky,
finally away from harm.
landing gently,
i feel the tears role down my face.
happy i get to see his face finally.
he's been gone for so long,
out there in the center of everyones nightmare.
fighting for us,
risking his life.
the door opens,
figures of brown walk slowly down the white blanket stairs.
i see him, finally stepping down on what i call home.
i watch him,
making sure I'm not dreaming,
there he is,
right in front of me.
standing in line.
walking to wards me.
i run to him,
screaming his name.
i feel his strong arms grip me like a cage.
i say, finally,
my soldier is home....

**** this poem is about my uncle Jared who was over in Iraq for 18 months and was luck and came home about 3months came from the heart please rate it!!! thanks...



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  • 18 years ago

    by Bekah Danzer

    Very Well Written Poem. Thank your Uncle for Fighting for our country!! It is an honor to have read your poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by tiffany

    Wow i like this poem alot and crongrats on the homecommer! its cool that ud write a poem like this good job

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