So God...

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Jan 18, 2006

The sun is only beginning to rise
He's on his way to work already
To keep his eyes open, he really tries
But to wake up, he just wasn't ready

He crosses the solid, yellow line
The horn of a rig echoes in the distance
And when the two vehicles had to combine
I pray and pray that he would've missed this

So God, I'm starting to get lost
And i can't find my way back home
Please help a bit, I'll pay any cost
I just don't want to feel alone...

And my dad wants to leave this place
I can't erase what he put in this note
And the expression on his face
Says he meant everything he wrote

Suicide is rising
I wish the statistics were lying
Death is so freaking surprising
And the friends leaving are mine

So God, just hear me tonight
I can't scream no more
I'd do anything to be alright
I just don't want to lose like i did before...

So drugs are everywhere i look
And it's the talk of the town
About how much someone took
And how they don't feel so down

Cutting is the way out
Of pain, madness, and tears
It takes away the doubt
And saves you for a few years

Empty... i feel so empty inside
And i don't know why
Maybe it's because i always want to hide
Because this place makes me want to cry

So God, can you feel me here?
Can you look in my face?
Because you're no where near
This screwed up place

And i have faith in you
Until i can't believe no more
I believe that your help is true
But i never received it before

So are you deaf or blind
Or maybe you're just ignorant!
Why am i falling behind?
Why is this sadness permanent?


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  • 18 years ago

    by xEmmax

    Oh my gosh...that was such a great poem! im quite speechless! wow, 5/5, i loved it! thanku for the comment, it meant a lot,
    take care hun xxxx