All in 1 minute

by cassanova   Jan 18, 2006

I look at the clock,
it says 1:41,
i know thinking of you,
ill never be done,

you run through my mind,
and occupy all my time,
wondering why you're gone,
and why you're not mine,

i think of you constantly,
for some reason i cant stop,
knowing that for always,
you'll forever have my heart,

my days go by so slow,
cause you run through my head,
i said I'd love you forever,
isn't that enough said,

you also haunt my dreams,
if you know what i mean,
i wake up often,
with sweats and screams,

why do i sleep by myself,
I'm alone in my bed,
i know I'll be thinking of you,
till the day i am dead,

now still all these thoughts,
just run through my brain,
cant stop thinking of Nicole,
i think i'm going insane,

i feel i wanna kill myself,
people say thats not what to do,
but i turn and look at the clock,
and it says it's only 1:42....


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  • 4 years ago

    by Jane Do-Re-Mi


  • 8 years ago

    by ketaki

    Good but end can be better

  • 13 years ago

    by tainted melody

    This was great and the title really drew me is true about love that so much can go through your head in so little time. great write :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Captivat3d

    Wow, this is great! I know how you feel.

  • 16 years ago

    by Grace

    I like love all your poems!! i haven't seen one that i don't like!! 5/5!!

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