
by clare   Jan 18, 2006

I'll be waiting,
always and forever,
When you come,
we will be together,

I wait here alone,
unsure if you'll come,
i see how much I've grown,
i see what i have done,

in the poring rain,
i sit here and wait,
to see if you come,
to see if it is fate,

the water mixes with my tears,
as they role down my cheek,
i can see what iv done,
i can see i am so weak,

i hold out the blade,
up against my wrist,
i do not cut, though,
here comes the little twist,

though the darkness,though the trees,
i didn't see it coming,
out of no where,just like that,
you appear there,

i clasp my arms around you,
holding you so tight,
until you push me back,
on that dark, dark night,

you look me in the eye,
and hold out the gun,
it's coming back to me,
the bad things i have done,

before i could apologize,
or say it wasn't my fault,
u pulled on the trigger,
with one mighty jolt,

suddenly i hit the ground,
it really isn't fare,
i took a deep breath,
and with one word to spare,

i said it with passion,
i swore this is no lie,
muted i am sorry,
and then there i died.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Crystal

    Wow, I could really feel the emotion in this poem. It was pretty good. It flowed really well. Thanks for commenting on mine as well.

  • 19 years ago

    by clare

    I dont no why i rite this poem but i hope you like it

  • 19 years ago

    by Robiie

    Wow i really felt your emotion
    great poem, take care x0x0