I dont love you anymore

by Charles   Jan 18, 2006

"i dont love you anymore"
those were the words that rang in
my heart a million times

"i dont love you anymore"
i slash these words into my wrist
begging for this to be a dream,
as every tear drop falls like a rose,
it mixes with the blood from
my now bleeding wrist..

"i dont love you anymore"
as i hold your blood- stained picture
to my chest- squeezing it.. hoping
it would come to life....
please hold me, console me, take me back.

"i dont love you anymore"
i am on my knees now begging for one more chance
hoping for one last dance.
its like i am in a trance, you agree!
we dance for hours, it seems out of this world

"i dont love you anymore"
it hits me that it was just a dream
you weren't really there, as i shed a tear.

reality has brought me back to earth with a crash, you dont love me anymore.........

this time it was a dream, as we wake up at the same time, i hold you close and never let you go, i tell you that i will love you always, you smile then cry, i am begging you to tell me why.

like a dream you whisper "i dont love you anymore"


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  • 19 years ago

    by NeXuS

    Charles, man this poem is overley deep. luvin it luvin it luvin it!

  • 19 years ago

    by tiffany

    I loved this poem. it has alot of feelings in it and its so i dont know its just really good! keep writing!

  • 19 years ago

    by Bethan

    Hey charles, luvd dis 1, da imagery was brilliant and the poem was sensitively written & full of emotion 4 sum1 hu claims 2 neva hve luvd!!!!!
    NEway keep writin cos im xpectin mor gr8 poems 4rm u!!
    Beth x

  • 19 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    Ooooo chuck. i loved the reoccuring first line. it was written passionately and with quite alot of darkness. i especially like the end...a simple, affective and well written signing off line. the poem was overall well written.


    P.S. your nan!