Three simple scars

by Natasha   Jan 18, 2006

There are three simple scars, a knife put in her neck.
She says she's OK, but inside she's a wreck.

She wears this happy smile, and laughs with her friends all day.
But inside she's praying silently that tonight he stays away.

She trusts one man, a simple guy, but is careful not to tell him all.
'cause this pain of hers is not his, he needs not to see her fall.

She wears this scarf around her neck, so no one can ever see.
These scars are hers, hers alone and so they will remain to be.

I'm telling you about this girl I know, I tell you with a rhyme.
I see her in the mirror, I see her all the time..

* I might edit it later, but I would like to hear your opinions and suggestions. *


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Cheyanne

    Wow thiz iz n excellent poem i exspecially lyke how you ended it!! well keep up tha gud work ur doiin gr8!!5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by LittleMissImperfect

    Aww that poems so good, i love it, well done


  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Brilliant peice. really very good and flows so well.

  • 19 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    One of my principle i would like to share here.
    once written+once posted should never be changed...let the true feelings flow with words that came from ur heart for the first time itself...just my feeling.

    this is an amazing work done..dont change anything

    **hope this was fantasy..what u wrote

  • 19 years ago

    by DevilWithin

    Awww thats sad but i understand it, xoxo Rach