Comments : The Torment and Hurt Part IV

  • 19 years ago

    by *~*pureconfusion15*~*

    Thats a BEAUTIFUL Poem and why stop wrighting?... cus ur hurt?.... if you stop wrighting becasue your hurt how else are you going to express your feelings and help everybody else who feels the exact same way? hmm... ur probly hurt and just wanna lay dwn and die beacuse u cant forgive yourself huh?.... but mayb u should stnad up and tell her what you really feel or....give her this poem!? It was beautiful!!!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by ShaeBaeBae

    That was a good poem, but to tell you the truth, i was a bit confused! I am NOT trying to be mean! I just think that you should make things a bit more clear. 3/5 is fair! Keep up the god work!

  • 19 years ago

    by ShaeBaeBae

    I am soo sorry! i think that o will read the other ones as well as this one again! Please forgive me, i tend to jump to conclusions just as much as my bunny chubs likes to jump!

  • 19 years ago

    by ShaeBaeBae

    Wow1 i get it now! And you shouldn't feel embarrased or pessured to write a fith one! I know that i would appreciate it!

  • 19 years ago

    by ShaeBaeBae

    Wow1 i get it now! And you shouldn't feel embarrased or pessured to write a fith one! I know that i would appreciate it!

  • 19 years ago

    by FoundHim

    EXCELLENT!!!!! i dont kno what to say!!.....