Comments : Meditation: Sonnet

  • 19 years ago

    by Gesselle Valle

    Hola Amigo,
    Muy bello encanto. Pero la verdad es que si no me lo explicabas no le hubiera entendido. You're always so smart....y yo... well, lets' don't go there. I'm just not as much as you lol. Great poem my friend. Cuidate y un gran abrazo para ti...

  • 19 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Wonderful write my friend, as always, magnificent!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by ShadowDancer

    This poem was beautiful. the slightly old fasioned way of writting was so elegent. i loved it


  • 19 years ago

    by Timeless Hopeful

    I thought the swan was the chariot of Sarsavarti: Hindu Goddess of Knowledge, and consort of Brahma: Creator God. And to seek purification you have to place yourself in the Holy fire. Which is agni: God of Fire.

    This poem truly opened my eyes on what meditation can truly give to those who seek enlightenment.

    Good poem, and great philosophy...

  • 19 years ago

    by HansRik

    True, the swan is also the chariot of Knowlegde (that is why it can distinguish between good and evil).

    Agni represents purification in another context: destruction of an impure past.

    Good insight, Ismail.

  • 18 years ago

    by Marjan

    Wow,wow, HansRic, that was beautifully written and I mean BEAUTIFUL. it was especially this part that grabbed my attention:
    The birch, matured, cries its leaves upon him
    'Twixt peace and harmony, his chaos died

    and also the last two lines.
    with this poem you made your way to my favorites list.
    take care,