Have You Ever

by JLV   Jan 18, 2006

Have you ever felt so down that nothing you do could turn it around?

What about people?
Has there ever been some person in your life that made you feel worthless?

Have you ever had to deal with an abusive parent, that hit you day in and day out?

Have you ever considered taking your life because you felt like you couldn't go on?

Well I know that I have, and I know how much it sucks.

But .......................

Have you ever had one best friend that no matter what happened, they'd always be there for you?

Have you ever had someone that was like an older sibling, that you could go to for the tough stuff?

What about have you ever lost someone and just wanted them back?
But then remembered how much you did together, and how you always smiled. And that made you feel better?

Have you ever realized that there's more to life then the bad things?

Have you realized that no matter how many people you think don't care that there's always someone that does.

Well see I'm working on that but if you stay strong, look at the positives, and just take the good with the bad you can get through it.

Trust me cause I'm still here
I'm a survivor..... Are you?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Arcane Blondie

    Wonderful poem- its really well written. the ending wraps the poem up greatly. 5/5-great job