Love truly is....

by juastsomerandom_gurl   Jan 19, 2006

Love him more then one chance even though he only deserves one
love is......not wanting to let him go
love him the chance to break ur heart but trusting him not to
love is....wonderful but dangerous
love is....waking up in the middle of the night thinking about him
love is.....getting up in the morning thinking about him
love is.....even though he made you cry giving him more chances to
love is.....always knowing your loved by him even without saying it
love is.....going over your cell phone minutes
love is......nothing ive had yet


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  • 19 years ago

    by Hunny Bunny

    I like it and i write to deal with stuff to its just easier that way instead of trying to explain it. but your a good writer and you need to keep writting just let go completely when you write. its what helps you but i liek ur poems and ill keep reading them thanks for the comment