Please, Don't Go Away

by Rhinehalt   Jan 19, 2006

Stay with us
For a little while.
Don't ever leave.
We need you here.
We'll hold your hand
And keep you near.
Please don't go,
To He that waits.
We want you here,
With all of us.
We know He wants you.
But so do we.

Can't you fight it?
Don't you want to stay?
Are we not enough?
Is His call to much?

Slowly, your hand,
Loses it grasp.
We hold on tight,
As you go.
Wish for you to stay.
Please, don't go away.
We want you to stay.

**From a POV of child losing a mother or father. Comment and vote please. Well do same for any who does it for me.


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  • 13 years ago

    by My Other Side

    Yes it makes sense. though it sounds like mom and dad don't want to let go. That was not my problem. I had five brothers and no Dad in sight. My mom was glad to get rid of Thanks I liked this too.

  • 15 years ago

    by ganjaru

    This is better ^^

  • 18 years ago

    by Heather

    Very nicely written, u put feeling into the words so u could see it all happening right infront of u. great job!!

  • 18 years ago

    by TormentedSoul

    I liked this poem alot!!! really really awesome job! 5/5 from me

  • 18 years ago

    by sarah

    Very touching. its almost as if images come in your head of the scene .. it reminds me of "a little princess" i think thats the name of the movie .. with princess sarah .. shes like 10 and her father leaves for war.. she used to live in india.. i don't know why im rambling about a movie.. but good job!