My little son

by LuVlYlUfFlY   Jan 19, 2006

To my little boy
my future little son
you are two months now
you are only very young

i must admit you not supposed to happen
your daddy was bad and didn't even listen

but thats OK mummy will still love you
I'm not sure about daddy
he doesn't know about you

your four months now
its been a while since i picked up the pen
your getting bigger Now
mummy's starting to show

mummy saw your daddy today
hes not a very nice man
mummy doesn't like him
but i guess hes still your dad

daddy did something to mummy
and mummy didn't want it
mummy tried to tell him no
but daddy didn't listen

your five months now
your really getting big
mummy cant wait
just four months to go now

remember my little boy
mummy really loves you
if only daddy knew
he would love you too

mummy's doing your room
painting it pretty blue
thats mummy's favorite color
i hope you like it too

your six months now
mummy's getting sore
you kicked for the first time today
cant wait till you are born

just three months left now
and ill have you in my arms
ill see you for the first time
ill bring you to this world

mummy went out today
bought you some new clothes
mummy's really happy
very soon ill have you

just about to have you
a few more days to go
you are really big now
mummy's getting excited

mummy's packing our bags
just in case you come
i could have you any day now
oh this is gonna be fun

mummy's really happy
Ive finally had you
you have pretty eyes
a lite shade of blue

your beautiful my son
a real one of a kind
you make mummy happy
i love you my little boy


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  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    This is beautiful. i love ur positive outlook from a situation that sounds like was negative to start with. god bless both of u!

  • 18 years ago

    by skittles

    I loved this poem!! congradulations to you and your kid coz it seems like you truly care. 5/5 keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by colby

    Omg i love how this is like diff months!!its really good check out some of my poems!!

  • 19 years ago

    by A Mexican Teardrop

    Loved the poem...much similar to reality. Keep it goin... u got talent.

  • 19 years ago

    by xXLoVesUcKsXx

    Omg i loved your poem!! its one of the best i hav read on this sight!! There's nothing else i can say except it wasGREAT!!!!

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