I want to die with you...

by Gothic Princess   Jan 19, 2006

Let me take my life in vain my lover
Just to be with you in sweet death
For without you life is not worth living
You made it what it was with your butterfly kisses and sweet nothings and promises of love and desire you had my heart
Let my hands tremble with sweet realization and truth shines within the depths of my blue eyes; eyes that once held your gaze in life letting me live in all my dreams and desires
I want to die with you by your side we'll leave this world of pain and misery of black and white and let the angels both of heaven and death with their black and white wings and carry us off into the purple skies above us


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ariana

    Even though this was very sad, I enjoyed it, it is quite different and has an original interpretation of love. The first line was a good opening to the poem, it drew me in and made me want to read more. Nice work.

  • 19 years ago

    by mydearestsuicide

    I love you soo hardcore chickadee... one full day of not cutting yay... *hug*, im trying to stop. i love you

  • 19 years ago

    by mydearestsuicide

    I freaking love you!