You Were Right (Erika)

by Cody   Jan 19, 2006

I no longer know what to do
I can't stand looking at you
I loved you and you neglected me
tore my heart out, threw it to the sea

I've lost the will to live
I gave you all I could give
And you threw it back in my face
you caused my disgrace

Maybe the wound will mend
and the pain will end
But i know I've lost my best friend
and more
I'll find my heart laying on the shore

Someday I might forgive you
But I could never forget you

I'll always remember
you weren't there when I fell
But we'll meet again in hell

(Erika your comment on My Goddess was right I took her back and she broke my heart again, I guess I'll always end up hurt)


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  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Aw hun im sorry..i know how it feels to be without that other half, the special best friends, and liek this poem shows it's truly hurtful.
    Hope you're ok

  • 19 years ago

    by Violet

    Hey, I liked this poem alot. I can relate to it. Keep up the good work.

  • 19 years ago

    by Robyn

    You may think that u will always be hurt but that is not true keep your head up and your heart open :)
    xoxo robyn