Leave me scarred

by deadnalone   Jan 19, 2006

Hurt me.


If you do i promise I'll remember.
I always remember.
They all leave scars.

Well some more than others but I'm sure you'll agree that an elephant never forgets.

Or at least this one doesn't.

You see I'm Ellie the Elephant!
Hello there, very nice to meet you I'm sure you never thought these fat jokes would hurt me.

Well they did.

I'm sure you'll think I'm big and strong. You see I'm Ellie the Man! Bet you forgot about that one. Dismissed the jokes about my "muzzy" and Ellie the Rugby Man?

Well I didn't.

Now this next one should get you laughing. Do you remember Ellie the Lezzy? Occasionally Ellie the Dyke or Ellie the Lesbian?


That's not so funny when you are a young girl who is confused about her sexuality. Now you're laughing even more I bet. You never knew did you!!

Well now I'm not confused. I'm not confused about this at all. I am totally. Completely. Certain...

You are all idiots.

But I'm also certain that every time i look in the mirror I cry.

For all the ugly jokes.
The fat jokes.
The man jokes.
The dyke jokes.

And furthermore...
You want to know a secret?

You broke me.

*All comments and votes greatly appreciated as always.*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lemma

    Tonis right lelliekins you ARE beautiful, and those idiots that can't see it are blind to everyone that's not a barbie clone. Please never ever change coz we all love you the way you are. Here for you always and don't you forget it.

    Emmi xx

  • 19 years ago

    by Toni

    :-S oh hunni...im sorry we havent spoken properly in so long, im still here though if you ever need me, if im not online u can always email me. You r better than those jerks who said those things, much better than that. You hold your head up high hun cos you are BEAUTIFUL x