The factors

by Hannah   Jan 20, 2006

Can you see it in her eyes, when she crys..shes crying for someone to understand her. do you see it when she walks by ,that shes hiding something behind her.
Can you tell when she talks to you that even though she is smiling, theres something wrong that you can not help her through.
Do you see that when she walks home, she would rather be with you rather then coming home.
Has she ever worn a short sleeve shirt? i dont think so,do you understand what she is hiding? she is trying so hard to deny it, you whisper to her dont try to fight it.
You bring her home with you,
asking her what is wrong? she starts to bawl and everything comes out. her mother hates her,her father dates another women, she is hiding from them,trying to find her self. she askes her self why am i dieing under there eyes? why am i fighting from all of there lies.
Can you see her any better now? do you understand that she is hiding from whats been hurting her.she trys to explain to everyone, but everybody thinks they already know. she is crying, and everybody else is hiding from the wreck that has been dieing.
Her father has died now her mother left her, what is there for her? nothing at all. she has no friends they think she is some sort of a weapon, they are all hiding from the factors. she is trying so hard to tell them..that ..everyone will understand.


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