I cant have him

by Heather   Jan 20, 2006

I wonder if he'll ever know
How much I like him
I ask myself does it show
It doesn't seem possible
He calls me everyday
Sometime for no reason at all
Sometimes just to say hey
I love to hear his voice
But I know I can't have him
He's taken and he loves her
My chances are very slim
Like I said I can't have him
He loves someone other than me
We sat next to each other
He put his hand on my knee
Then I thought to myself
He's getting my hopes up
He looked over at me
Then out of nowhere I said "Yup"
He looked at me again
He had a weird look on his face
I didnt know what to say
I felt like I was in outer space
Its time for me to leave
I just want to give him a hug
And never let him go
Hes like my anti-drug
Then it clicks
I cant have him
There is nothing I can fix
Its all over I cant have him


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  • 19 years ago

    by coolpunksk8r

    Hey, good writing / its kinda how i feel with the guy i like/ keep it up