And I won't shed another tear (Teasing)

by pseudo   Jan 20, 2006

And try to get on with my life
I'll try to put this day behind
But it just take one stupid remark
From their sick little minds

Why do they care so much?
I ask myself in the girls' room
I'm not really like that..
But do they always assume?

I hate being ridiculed in school
Why does it have to be me?
What did I ever do wrong
Why can't they see?

That I'm not like them
But I'm glad I'm not
I don't have to fake who I am
Just to be considered "hot.."

So what if I'm smart?
I keep my head in my books.
One day I'll amount to something
And it won't all be about looks.

I run back to my locker
To find the empty halls
At least no else is there,
To make me feel small.

I come into class 5 minutes late.
Everyone turns around and stares.
They focus their attention on me
This time I wasn't prepared.

One boy shouts out,
"She looks worst when she cries,
No wonder she has no friends"
That was when a part of me died.

My life was officially over.
I can't believe what had been said.
Even thought I had no friends.
My social life was dead.

Life has changed for me though
I got through the lies
I got through their stupid jokes.
I made it out alive.

One day they'll see,
They'll be able to see clear
That I'm not that girl anymore.
And I won't shed one tear..

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  • 18 years ago

    by Fallen~Tears

    Wow.. I know exactlly how you feel.. its so good.. you almost got me in tears.. 5/5..


  • 19 years ago


    Awww my god.. Im almost crying.. This is a extremly touching poem, i wish i could have rated higher than 5! Its Excellent and i felt every word you said! Keep up the great work!
    Bec xx

  • 19 years ago

    by ShadowedPhoenix

    People can be so very cruel, i hope though in your case this is not a true story, if it is i'm sorry....They'll get theirs eventually, What goes around comes around! And one day when you amzingly successful you can look back and laugh at them!! People like that make me sooo cross, anyways lovely poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by Jaklynn

    Cool. I've been there in the past, youll get thru it. 5/5.