Face The Truth

by End Of Eternity   Jan 20, 2006

**I have had a great amount of help for this one from Ipsita, so would like to thank her. She is such a sweet soul**


Facing truth is harder than facing lies
screaming could be an art
but what about my silent cries?

talking about knife is like pretending to your life
but behind that braveless mask, you still want to survive

my heart full of scars, i feel that this life is absurd
from the gleaming stars to dirt

everyday i fight within myself too
just to stay alive for you

so stay here with me
the pain we had, is now history
its a brand new start of harmony
for whats gone is misery
just set those bitter feelings free

so look ahead with a smile because its me you will find
everything you see is now a part of my mind

let us repeat those moments
we shared in between us
with that intense chemistry

as leaving me would hurt you more
the only thing i know for sure
you are the only one i am living for

so face the truth; in this relation let us bind
once we've found each other, there is nothing more to find

lend me your hand and walk with me today
it is with your hope that i carve my way


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  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    This is so beautiful. Your emotions of love shine in this poem.

    so look ahead with a smile because its me you will find
    everything you see is now a part of my mind

    These lines make me miss someone so very much. Yet I know he is waiting for me.
    Love Cindy

  • 19 years ago

    by Princess Love

    You know, it was this poem that caught my eyes and I found you. This is my most fav one among all of them. I think I told you this before right? I felt such a connection with this, you cant even imagine what it was like to read this poem. And since then I became your fan. lol... If I leave a comment everytime I've visited this one, you would've had a 100 comments by now. There is no such word to describe this poem.

    Lots of Love

  • 19 years ago

    by Truly in Love


    I don't know about flying high but I love seeing our poem here...
    Reading it over and over again, it gives me a different feeling each time...

    Much Love,

  • 19 years ago

    by EmptyEyes

    Hey there. Thanks for all the comments and rating. It really motivates me to post more on this site. I really like this poem. I don't really believe in love (not even true love) , but hopefuly I'll come by that person one day. Haha...I don't know i just want to be a drug. A thing that can be used to drown pain, bring happyness, help pass the time away. Its a solve-everything solution i guess?? (This is probably the longest comment???)

  • 19 years ago

    by Romy Rose

    Loved the poems, your stanza are unique..
    *hugs* PunkChick

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