Comments : Face The Truth

  • 19 years ago


    Hi Nitin
    this poem of urs is so different from ur other poems. i feel lovely to read ur love poems.
    this one is really great. 5/5

    excellent job!!!!!!

    take care

  • 19 years ago

    by Princess Love

    Wow... amazing poem. Each and every line is a killer. I love it!!! I soooo know the feeling. Its one of the best I have read in this site. You sure deserve a 5. Excellent job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Monique

    Haha, you have a lov poem!:) Nicee. Good job once again. Every line of that poem was amazing. wow.. lol


  • 19 years ago

    by ~*~MoNiQuE~*~

    How do u put 2getha such general words to create such an awesome effect that just flows? i just dont get it? haha..its like WOW!

  • 19 years ago

    by nandini

    The opening three lines are so true....loved the poem a lot. Keep writing. Good work!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Romy Rose

    Loved the poems, your stanza are unique..
    *hugs* PunkChick

  • 19 years ago

    by EmptyEyes

    Hey there. Thanks for all the comments and rating. It really motivates me to post more on this site. I really like this poem. I don't really believe in love (not even true love) , but hopefuly I'll come by that person one day. Haha...I don't know i just want to be a drug. A thing that can be used to drown pain, bring happyness, help pass the time away. Its a solve-everything solution i guess?? (This is probably the longest comment???)

  • 19 years ago

    by Truly in Love


    I don't know about flying high but I love seeing our poem here...
    Reading it over and over again, it gives me a different feeling each time...

    Much Love,

  • 19 years ago

    by Princess Love

    You know, it was this poem that caught my eyes and I found you. This is my most fav one among all of them. I think I told you this before right? I felt such a connection with this, you cant even imagine what it was like to read this poem. And since then I became your fan. lol... If I leave a comment everytime I've visited this one, you would've had a 100 comments by now. There is no such word to describe this poem.

    Lots of Love

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    This is so beautiful. Your emotions of love shine in this poem.

    so look ahead with a smile because its me you will find
    everything you see is now a part of my mind

    These lines make me miss someone so very much. Yet I know he is waiting for me.
    Love Cindy