Why be false?

by Just Jo   Jan 20, 2006

Why do people say things
when they don't mean a word
or why do people treat others
like they shouldn't be herd?
Why do we worry about school
if we work hard we not cool?
Why do we care what others think
or say, Stand up be yourself today

don't ever be afraid of what you are
be yourself be that star
who cares what people say its your world too
don't let people but u down or judge you
Why do we care what others think
or say, Stand up be yourself today

be able to look in the mirror and be proud
show your not like the rest in the crowd
you stood up and wasn't ashamed of you
you stood up, you new what to do

don't cry because of someone speaking there mind
they don't no anything,they only see the
shield your hiding behind

don't ever be afraid of what you are
be yourself be that star
who cares what people say its your world too
don't let people but u down or judge you
Why do we care what others think
or say, Stand up be yourself today


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  • 17 years ago

    by Jackie

    An excellent poem, I know I may sound like an old fogey, but many of the younger generation should take heed, 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Daisy Wells

    Just read this and it's so true a really great poem and the flow is great i love the way you've eneded each stanza the same way. to many of us fall into the crowd, your poem will inspire people todo the right thing and be themselves 5/5 welldone. check out my poems please xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by dancer

    I love ur poem i think every1 in this world can relate we all have our moments of fakeness ur so rite we need to stand up and be ourselves
    keep up the good work


  • 19 years ago

    by melyssa

    I think that your poem is so true. i dont think it shud matter wut ppl think as long as you know who you are and your comfortable with yourself. stand up for what you believe.