This Truth

by Hello Life   Jan 20, 2006

How do I act around those I love
The ones who don't know me
Oblivious to the hell of this week
Do I hide or let them see
Cos I've fought with almost everyone
To prove that I am right
And I am certainly unwilling
To give up this fight
I know they will agree with the others
Try and convince me to find aid
But I don't need professional help
To fix the problems I've made
Surely I know me the best
And know what's good or bad
Forcing me to hospitals
Take my control and I go mad
Just because this life takes my appetite
And I'm not willing to stay alive
Doesn't mean I'm slowly dying
Cos food won't make me thrive
This constant pain eats away at me
The gnawing sense of despair
Because no one understands you
Does anyone really care?
So do I open up tonight
Or act like I'm in control and free
My friends, I love you more than anything
But will you understand the real me


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  • 19 years ago

    by Avellana

    I'm not willing to stay alive
    Doesn't mean I'm slowly dying''

    I love those two lines. Sums up how i feel sometimes. *grins* Whole poem was awesome.

    Lv A, x