This may take a while to understand. a little complicated towards the end.
This is the pain that's in his veins.
Seaping and meandering its way through his body... and now mine.
A flame burning him inside and melting his heart.
A tear falling down his cheek silently, dropping to his pillow. just the same as the last tear did... and the one before that... and the one before...
This is the love that burns within, wanting "her" to love him too.
wanting "her" to feel just the way he does when they hug. but "she" dosen't.
The love that seeps deep into him tracing every line in his body so much that he can't be without her. can't live without her. "she" is his breath, his heart beat. his life...
This is the girl that hears so many times how he is lost in "her" love and his desperate cries. This is the girl that wishes she could help but is too far away and too young to understand what he is stuck in... and what she is now stuck in too.