
by Nikki McKay   Jan 20, 2006

I thought about you today,
I still miss you....
its been 3 years but I still miss you
I wish you would come back,,,cause I really want you too.
I used my knife,,,,i wrote the word sorry on my arm...
As the blood started to flow,,I started to cry,,,I cry my red tears as I always do when I feel pain...
please come back....I miss you grandpa.....


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  • 19 years ago

    by Erica

    Sweetheart this is beautiful. it says so much about you. im sorry you miss him so much...feel better

  • 19 years ago

    by xEmmax

    Awww thats such a sad poem, im really sorry for ur loss. take care hun, and thanku for the comment,
    luv xxEmmaxxx