Confessions Of A Broken Lie

by AnorexicDream   Jan 21, 2006

I sit in my room
trying so hard to hide from you
but you find me
you have me theres nothing I can do

You tell me not to scream
I try and run away
but you tie me down
oh how you make me stay

I scream so loud
you hit me hard
screaming now
you've left me scarred

you hit me harder
i scream more and more
as you throw me
right through the door

i smack my head
upon the ground
i hear the thud
such a loud sound

you come up to me
and grab me by the hair
i look into your eyes
and i see that evil stare

your eyes are glowing
you aren't even the same
you said you loved me
i see it was just a game

you hurt me
and tear me apart
look at me
i am bleeding from the heart

you don't understand
as i slice my skin
i can feel the pain
releasing from within

i hear the lies
and remember what you said
i just hear them
over and over again

you don't understand
the pain that i feel
you don't understand
cause you don't think its real

you continue
to slap me around
until i stop
moving on the ground

look at me
lifeless and dead
all that blood
coming from my head

oh sh*t what did you do
you killed me why?
you hurt me so much
confessions of the broken lie


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  • 19 years ago

    by darkangel112

    I really liked how you were able to keep me glued to it and i didnt lose interest for even one second throughout the whole thing. thats really amazing. i hope its not based n something real. if it is im so sorry for you. good luck, keep up the god writting

  • 19 years ago

    by .::BrokenHrt::.

    Thats a really good poem...sad but realli good....especially love the part..

    i hear the lies
    and remember what you said
    i just hear them
    over and over again

    PuNk PrInCeSs (LiSa)

  • 19 years ago

    by Raquel

    Wow thats great, really well written

  • 19 years ago

    by Amy

    Wow that was sad but beautifully written. keep it up
    luv ya

  • 19 years ago

    by DevilWithin

    Ohhh hunnie that wss really sad but i loved every line of it, very nicely put together. xoxo Rach