Once Upon a Time

by Amelia   Jan 21, 2006

Once upon a time,
In a dream not known,
The melody of requiem whispered,
And tears be known.

Loneliness a virtue to passers by.
Happiness what?
Friends who?
Existence why?

Every child baptized in blood.
Would salvation ever be relinquished on this hallowed land?

The messiah no longer held dear.
Smile results in reprimand,
Love be a wretched weakness.
Words drip with disdain.

Until that fateful night,
When all the faithful gathered,
And brought the mercy again.

Does this mean happily ever after?
Well, maybe.


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  • 19 years ago

    by sami

    Very nicely done! keep up the good work!

  • 19 years ago

    by goddessofsong

    Hmmmmmmmmm. that one makes u think. awsome ofcourse