Unexpected friend

by Stevie B   Jan 21, 2006

You look for many qualities
in who to make the one,
i mean it's quite a responsibilty
when the day is done,

they must be friendly, generous and caring,
and always there to lend a hand,
they'd be with you shoulder to shoulder
and they'd make that one last stand

They would always have time for you,
an open ear atleast,
they'd take away your cutlery
in your pessimistic feast,

They'd cut the rope from above you
and wouldnt let you hit the ground,
you'd start to miss their presence
when your buddy's not around

you wouldn't feel discomfort
when spilling all the beans,
they'd nod and smile understandably
not even knowing what it means,

they'd laugh at your jokes, funny or not
to keep your spirits high,
you'd lay there at night, thinking,
praying they're alright

I've found this friend in someone,
unexpected as may be,
ive found this friend in someone,
this someone is you Dean.

This one is for Dean Rands; A best mate, adopted son and fellow poet.

I love you man (in a non gay way)


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  • 19 years ago

    by Dean Russell-Rands

    The first time you read something you never quite notice everything. The second time you notice more and the third... This is about the billionth time I've read it and each time it means more - Steve - words cannot explain how much this poem means to me and thankyou isnt enough. =)

  • 19 years ago

    by Dean Russell-Rands

    What can i say steve? Thankyou - got me all choked up until the quickie thing lol Thankyou - Dean