The Angel that saved me (part 2)

by firexflys   Jan 21, 2006

I let my worries go for just one night
And met the angel that would soon show
Me the light

He remembered me from that day on
But he know the girl he met that night
Was long gone,

I wondered over and over why me
I told my self no one ever cares about me
Why would he..

But time and time again he tried
But for the longest time I wouldn't
Open my eyes.

He was there again and again
He was proving to me that in him
I had a real friend

It took so long, for him to get through
And soon I was telling him things
No one else ever knew

He was so patient and so kind
Made me see that it would be
Different this time

Slowly opening a door that was locked
He didn't see just what he was doing
For me.

He was opening my eyes to a world
I had lost opening my heart to be the
Girl I had forgotten.

Pushing me hard at times enough to
Make me cry but in the end I can
Do nothing but thank him

He showed me the person I can be
And the Showed me what he had
Seen in Me

He was there for me in my time of
Need he was just what I had prayed for
Just what I search so hard to find

But at that time he had a girlfriend
That was not me that I didn't think he
Would leave

© written by Firefly


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  • 19 years ago

    by Leah20

    I'm commenting on both poems here. The final stanza of this poem and the last of part one I didn't particularly like. They seemed awkward and didn't really seem to fit in the poem, so I would say work on that. Also, at the end of the poem, it leave up to interpertation, don't explain it, explaining it kills the poem. Keep writing and Improving! You said to tell you which to comment on, I don't really care, whatever catches your eye. Thanks!

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma

    I really liked this. i was really pretty. i made me want to cry. or at least the last couple of lines. i really enjoyed it.

    Emma 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    Hey darl a heartfelt piece. very well written.

    l0ve always d0ra