Drawn between comprimise and morals

by Ben   Jan 21, 2006

I speak of last night
or the night before
alcohol has blurred my memory
and at my mind gnaw

Band playing, people dancing
hands wandering onto bodies
without this pitiful dutch courage
none of this would have become a hobby

I must admit, I enjoyed every minute
I had my fair share of alcohol generated good times
I actually have regrets of not going futher
and going for the juicier limes

The next morning brings another story
I lie on my bed, vomit by my side
I try to think why
but my mind stings and from the question hides

I stumble downstairs with great luck
and in great naivity
I try to walk in a straight line, blurred vision and all
but I just end up on the floor
and tears of emotion confusion on my face grow tall

In my half state of drunken reality
I question myself and the susbtance I drank
was it really worth it, did I really gain anything
and no answers came to mind, my thoughts tanked

I slowly reprieve myself from the alcohol
and life restarts like natures autumn
but I will always have a scar on my mind pure
with lifes cockney slang, \'thats taught \'um!\'

© Copyright of Ben Blackburn - Known as "Ben" on this website. This copyright stands for all marked and unmarked poems and quotes on this website written by Ben Blackburn. Partial or whole parts of the poem may only be used or reproduced under the autherisation of Ben Blackburn. May I stress that I have also taken precautions out of cyber space to copyright my work also.


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