What Happened

by CourtneyLouxxx   Jan 22, 2006

Where did you go, what did you do
Why have you changed, why aren't you, you
Why are you different, why don't you care
Why are you always away, why are you never there

Why have you lost the spark in your life
Why are you the reason I feel so much strife
Why did you leave, where did you go
What are you expecting, I just don't know

Why don't you understand, why can't you see
Why are you different, Your not yourself to me
Why have you turned in to someone, you weren't the other day
What has happened to make you this way

Why did you shout and laugh in my face
Why did you look at me as if I was a disgrace
Why did you tell me I'm no friend at all
It was just a lame fight, in the hall

Why are you acting like I don't exist, am I invisible to you
What are you playing the victim, what did I do?
What did I say, to hurt you like this
Where is my real friend the one that I miss

What did I say to you, to make you hate me, so
What happened that day, I want to know
Why can't we fix it, why can't we be friends
Every look you give me, hate it sends

Why can't we hug, and say enough is enough
Why do you have to act so tough?
I'd give anything away just for one more day
I'm sorry for what I did, I don't know what else to say


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  • 19 years ago

    by SammiBABY

    Absoloutly amazing! love it, very strong very good. nice!!!
    sammi x

  • 19 years ago

    by Lithium

    Dont make me cry hunni ur words are very well written good work xox me

  • 19 years ago

    by Tisha

    I know how you feel.Sometimes the people that we thought was closest to us change and turn their backs on us,there may not be a reason why.But I hope things work out for you guys.Great Poem, filled with emotion.