From your Eyes to my Soul

by Handsdown2010   Jan 22, 2006

When you look into my eyes
I feel my soul move inside of me
Reason leaves every inch of me
Beauty and intensity awakens me
When you look into my eyes
I think of all that could be
I escape all that should be
I embrace all that would be
When you look into my eyes
My heart shudders with intensity
My mind seeks possibility
My muscles ache for virility
When you look into my eyes
All of my breath escapes me
Sensuality reshapes me
All desire complicates me
When I pull my eyes from yours
I feel the soul inside of me retreat
Reason reenters barely complete
Reality slowly dissipates the heat
When I pull my eyes from yours
I acknowledge what can't be
I return to what has to be
I accept all that won't be
When I pull my eyes from yours
My heart approaches solidarity
My mind searches for clarity
My muscles relax from brief frailty
When I pull my eyes from yours
My breath slowly returns to me
Sensuality is confused to me
All desire still complicates me


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  • 19 years ago

    by creeesta

    I've never read a poems like this before but I couldn't stop reading it. It's so magnetizing and written with amazing feeling. I could almost feel as if it was happening to me! LOL! You did a great job. :)