A strange story about a strange girl

by Anna   Jan 22, 2006

Here he sits not daring to look
he's just busy reading his book
I sit down like I always do
face to face and reading too.

But somehow I can't concentrate
because of all the words that fade
they all fade at a very slow pace
graceful, past by his adorable face.

Then each word become a man
chatting, laughing, hatching a plan
They buzz around till I can't see
and suddenly cast a spell on me.

I can't get him out of my head
can't ignore just staring instead
every move is stuck in my mind
and also everything else I'll find.

So I'm sitting, I'm not all there
thinking of the things we'd share
suddenly he looks up and I see
his beautiful eyes staring at me.

I realize how stupid I've been
I panic and then become clean
He must think that I'm insane
so I just jump out of the train.

I lie in the grass feeling tired
But I leave nothing to be desired
just chilling, staring at the sky
satisfied, valuable time passes by.

I wake up on a beautiful day
my body hurts but that's OK
I want to talk but I'm all alone
so I stand up and go back home.

I really do not know where to put this poem in! So if anyone has a idea please tell me! Comments will be appreciated!


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  • 19 years ago

    by The Wingless

    Well, Phill kind of cleared everything up, this is great. I can't say I LOVE the ending though, it was abrupt and it cut short. I am sure that you could do better on the ending because you are a great poet, I really like the length also.

    Keep up the good work.

  • 19 years ago

    by Reem O

    Hii anna, I think ur poem was clear to me and I loved ur english everything was clear n much undersandable!..i think u can put this into cute love:) very nice i luved it!!!!!!! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Here he sit don't daring a look... here he sit's not daring to look?
    just be busy reading his book... just busy reading his book?

    Then each word becomes a man? is that what you wanted to say? I don't know lol

    suddenly he looks up...

    thats pretty much it lol... I said it wasn't that bad!! *grins* more cute! keep writing cause I really do love it! catch ya later anna

  • 19 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Lovely job anna! I really enjoyed the story line and the fact that your english isn't perfect made it even more sweet. um... where to put it.... probebly... actually... I have no idea!! i think it's cool where it is! thanks 4 the comment by the way! c u around!

  • 19 years ago

    by Lady in Red

    Good very deep!!!!!!