
by LadyPoet   Jan 22, 2006

Internal contentment
A hand shake with a smile
A hug in times of trouble
Friends you haven't seen in a while.

The calling of a truce
To end a war
Breaking the chain of a grudge
Being civil once more.

Putting an end to the conflict
Buried deep in our hearts
Carefully bringing them to surface
Dissipating trouble before it starts.

The sound of a baby laughing
Children playing on the swings
Closing your eyes to listen
To the sounds that nature sings.

A blessing from heaven
God's comforting touch
This is the peace
I've come to love so much.

The happiness within myself
Is a feeling that will never cease
This is my internal contentment
My peace.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Desert Rose

    Wow, that was wonderful!

  • 19 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    Amazing... without iternal peace there is outter chaos.. I loved it, nice job thanx for commenting on my poem