Vampyric Dreams of a Forever Love

by Dani Ward   Jan 22, 2006

Such a love had never been
for the whole world saw it as a sin
i can't express the pain i feel
i will try, just know this story is real
is is a story so very old
by Rameses it was last told
it's about a love so true
and it will break the heart of you

vampyric dreams of a forever love
it was a sin or so they say
he loved that girl so very much
too bad her life was stolen away

long ago when pharaohs did rule
lived a vampyre who was a fool
he knew it was wrong but didn't care
to love a mortal women he did dare
she knew what he was but didn't say no
and the seeds of love they did sow
but the vampyre lords wouldn't have it
so they put their minds to work and a plan was writ

vampyric dreams of a forever love
it was a sin or so they say
he loved that girl so very much
too bad her life was stolen away

he knew that the odds were against him
but he'd had an idea and thought he might win
he would change her into a vampyre too
then there would be nothing they could do
unfortunately the vampyre lords had already bagan
and they caught him before he could complete his plan
he distracted them so she could run
he was their prisoner and thought himself done

vampyric dreams of a forever love
it was a sin or so they say
he loved that girl so very much
too bad her life was stolen away

the vampyre lords eventually caught her
and it was cause for quite a stir
they forced him to watch her die
how could they let such a mistake go by
her death gave him such unnatural strength
each vampyre lord was dead in a short length
i am the vampyre and my heart's become a black rose
this is my story, now at its' close

vampyric dreams of a forever love
it was a sin or so they say
he loved that girl so very much
too bad her life was stolen away

©Daniel Lee Ward, 1-21-2006


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  • 19 years ago

    by EarlyBird01

    Wow...that was really good, i liked the repetion in's really sad :( and dark, but it was really cool...mesa like it!

  • 19 years ago

    by dancer

    Wow that was a wiked as poem loved it keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by Anne Conner

    Hey! Good Job. It has a great flow.

  • 19 years ago

    by Rosechild

    This poem is so good. Sad poem, really sad.