
by samantha   Jan 22, 2006

Those couple days were weren't together i would lie in bed and reminisce
on all the fun memories i truly missed
all the good ones topped the bad
i would lie there so sad
but the thing is my feelings hadn't changed
i am so deep in love with you
it would just make me so blue
knowing i hurt the one i loved the most
i could picture us getting married and me making you some burnt toast
at the time it felt like those plans went down the drain
and i was the only one to blame
i asked GOD why i did what i did
and he said i was only being a kid
i knew i had to go out on the limn and get you back
cuz if i didn't it would be whack
to know i let the love of my life go
and i didn't want you wit some ho
it hurt me so bad to see you hug a girl in front of me
you see
now i understand why you can just be my friend
we have to end up together in the end
thats why GOD gave me signs
and trust me he gave me all kinds
i knew what i had to do
and that was to end up spending my life with you
you don't know how many times i thanked GOD for you taking me back
that shows how much i care
and I'm not gonna no one tear
the wonderful things we share
like when were older i can picture you in timesqaure fulfilling you dream
with the crowd yelling your name
and me always standing by your side while your in the hall of fame
i have so much faith
that we'll both go far in life
that I'll end up being your wife
all of our hopes and dreams will come true
and we'll be sharing them together boo.


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  • 19 years ago

    by MaSkEdSoUl

    I loved this poem its really good!!! And can you comment on mine too! Please and thank you :D Oh and I LOVED this poem lol.