The beat of my heart

by loenly angel   Jan 22, 2006

The beat of my heart
it something that no one can take but one person took it
he was my night and shining armor, he was my boyfriend, he is the love of my life
and no one can take his place not even an other guy not even my family, his name is silent
but when someone says it my heart starts 2 race
my mind goes 2 him hoping 2 see him,
wondering if I can talk 2 him, hope that he will hold me, I wonder if he can love me like know one can
he is my souls, he can take me and do whatever he wants,
he says he wants 2 marry me,
and I will always will be marry 2 him
even if he is so far away I will still love him
I don’t cheat on him and he don’t cheat on me and we always tell the truth he is my boyfriend
he is my David the love of my life!!!!!!!


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  • 19 years ago

    by loenly angel

    Hey i love ya

  • 19 years ago

    by happyGIRL

    Thats a good poem to

  • 19 years ago

    by nicktaylor

    I liked this one more then send me a shirt....well ur good so i hope to see more by u

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