Whats Wrong With The World

by CE   Jan 22, 2006

Whats wrong with
the world these days
where you can't be
the real you,
out of fear that
people won't accept it as truth?

A world where you
can't admit your
feelings for the
only person you
have eyes for,
when you can't
but help being
drawn to that person's
irresistible allure

A world where
people call you
weird or strange
just because your
minds and ideas
aren't the same

A world where your
hopes and dreams
are no longer a
factor, because
IT happened to
bust through
the wrapping

A world where you
can fly to China
and kill only to
see how it would feel

A world where the
relationship between
lovers and friends
are so intermingled,
that it makes you
wonder why the good
guys always remain single

A world where a person
would rather be beautiful,
popular and accepted
than a genius, ugly
and neglected

A world thats corrupt and
evil down to the core,
a world where purity
only existed in Ancient lore

I know whats wrong
with this world and
now you do too,
please forgive me
for having to be the
one to tell
the truth to you


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by raven147

    That is such an open and honest poem! Good work!

  • 18 years ago

    by Cathy

    Great poem! And so true.

  • 18 years ago

    by robin milford

    I agree with this poem totally. I loved it. I really thought it was neat that u said sorry for being the one to tell us the truth. That was awesome. Thanks for comment on "The letter" and yes I really did write the letter I refer to in that poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jelz;; Oh,KillMeFast

    Hey ..!!

    Thanks for that comment, means bunches..!!

    Well, this poem caught my eye and ... i'm speeck-less. It's really hard to write all the problems of this pathetic world. But you wrote the most important, and hurful ones. Lol, you deserve and applaud ..!! By the way, nice use of words ..!!

    Jelz;; Oh,KillMeFast

  • 18 years ago

    by Always4You

    Ive read that once before..right when i first came to this site..but i never commented..I just want you to know CE that those things are exactly true..And im glad you realized them, because many in this world dont. We are so blind to what goes on around us..Great job 5/5!!

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