My Country Falls

by YupDasMe   Jan 23, 2006

My country
once upon time had pride
Now it cries
its sadness runs Through all our veins
we smile
and we ignore
ignore what we all know we see it
do you see teens starving to be model skinny?
Do you see hurting children locking themselves away with red wrists?
Do you notice the countless suicides?
Do you watch them let criminals go free?
Look at our parent's marriages breaking in half
Something must be done
but no
we watch
we observe
like scientist with no equipment
don't stare
our country is so helpless
it screams for our help
we blow it off like a wind over the shoulder
but i am sure
that this country
will have pride
will hold the unity that was once so strong
so let me tell you now
America falls
we are her children
put her back together
and heal her scars
we are the future of this country

* Highly opinionated* If it offended you.. sorry that wasn't the purpose*
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  • 19 years ago

    by Jessica

    APLAUSE *wipes tears away from her eyes* that was so beautiful i luved it every bit it has so much meaning to it WAY TO GO