Future against the past

by bronte   Jan 23, 2006

The whisper of the wind against the trees,
Trembles in my ear
A quiver of silence falls upon me
I lie on the field staring up at the sky

Darkness below me and to the sides
I dare not look for my fear of my future
As silly as it sounds but it’s the truth
Forever I will remain here
Glancing up to the sky
To look upon my past


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  • 19 years ago

    by Sabine Taylor

    Nice write, especially the first stanza perfectly describes the way I felt for a long time, so I know and can feel what you expressed so great. The 3. line is very well done, but the last two lines of the second stanza are my faves though the whole poem gives me comfort and made me think about your great work and this is what a very good poem should do , it should make you think about it after the sensations captured you.

    Keep it up
    Please, vote and comment back , that would mean a lot to me