You were there for me when I was down,
You saw my tears as they streamed down my face,
You let me cry.
You didn't judge, you listened to my cries as I told you all about my best friend and what she was doing,
How I wanted to help, but I couldn't,
I felt so useless and didn't know how to remain strong.
When people slag off my boyfriend,
And that I'm a fool,
You defend my name and his,
You still see the good guy inside.
When people are in the room desperately trying to talk to you,
You come over to me and give me a hug and a smile,
As if seeing me has made your day.
Sure you have your imperfections, bad habits,
But thats what makes you, you.
Yet even though you do so much,
I still feel that we're drifting,
And so I push you away, get angry and cry.
Today you've seemed not your normal self,
I wish I knew what was wrong,
I wish I knew if it was me.
I wish I could explain my ways,
Why I don't act the way I should,
But its confusing too much for even me to understand,
With a mixture of feelings rolled up in to one.
But I do still like to think of you as my best friend,
Even if, really, we're not.
I want all the things you do,
You know, how we used to be,
But I feel slightly neglected.
We all have our needs,
Some more than others,
I guess I like to feel important,
To have somebody for me always there to run to.
I've had to accept you not as my own,
Which I'll admit I find hard,
But I'll deal with it, I'll survive.
I guess I hid the truth from you about her,
Because, in truth, I'd tell her everything if she was here,
But I want to tell you everything too,
I want you to be like her,
She's my bestest ever friend in the whole wide world,
I love her like a sister,
We know each other inside and out,
And now I've come to realize,
I want that with you too.
*I don't know about any of you, but I have a best friend who is like my sister. Only I have somebody else too, who i think of as my best friend, but not as close. Maybe I have a fav spot for my other best friend, but I want this best friend to be like me and my "sister" fingers crossed!*