After The Sun Sets

by Cuddles   Jan 23, 2006

In the dawn of the morning I open my eyes
and anticipate the day with joy.
I feel in my bones that I will see him,
and I can't wait for the moment to come.
The morning passes slowly and I become anxious
when I think he won't be there.
Then when I turn around I begin to smile,
and I stop pulling out my hair.
He walks in and grins at me,
and my heart trips into overdrive.
In those few seconds when I'm aware of only him,
I feel like I've just then come alive.
We have a few hours together,
and I want so badly to stay.
I hate to return to the world where time and limits exist,
but there will be other days.
So I guess it's okay to go home for a while,
watch the setting sun.
After the sun sets I'll dream of him
and of our two hearts beating as one.

written 1-20-06

(C) Mary Barren


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  • 19 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Wonderful write, exquiste in every word!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Dean Russell-Rands

    SUPERBLY BRILLIANT!!! I loved it - all the way through 5/5 =)