I can't sleep

by stacy   Jan 23, 2006

When it rains outside in dark dark night And I cant sleep because of a certain fright The fright that fills me to the brim Breaking my heart is like breaking a limb

I can almost taste you love so close and so near But what keeps me away is the fear The fear of being broken and ripped apart
Because pretty soon I will need a new heart

I see you when I close my eyes No matter how I try I can't win the prize I can't win your love and I can't win his But I guess that this is how it is

So when it rains I'll try to sleep And keep my feelings way down deep

thats how i feel every night rate plz


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  • 19 years ago

    by phuckwithme_imsuperman

    I like it... its kinda funny... but if u werent going 4 that sorry... lol

  • 19 years ago

    by katie hensley

    Very nice write. i love the emotion in ur work. 5/5 -k-

  • 19 years ago

    by shygirl

    Omg girl ur so great and if u cant sleep just think of how insane we are and think good thoughts i really hope it works out 4 u and all cus if ur hurting im hurting and i just realized that i make really long comments for you cus i just cant seem to find short but meaningful words to explain how much of an insane girl u are

  • 19 years ago

    by Some Random Human

    I've felt simmilar things as this...'tis no fun way to be, but life is like that sometimes...you just gotta stick with it and see what happens.

  • 19 years ago

    by LuVlYlUfFlY


    great poem i really liked it dont lose hope listen to your heart love ya!!!!