Fear...,Time...and I Will...

by Charissa   Jan 24, 2006

We were in the middle of making plans
So we can see each other and hold hands
Then the phone rang
And now all I can hear is....bang
He is needed for a thing in the past
It all came in a sudden blast
Our plans put on hold
For he has to deal with something old
He tells me the story
Now all I can do is worry
I can feel the tears on my face
My feelings I now must embrace
Things are going down
And he needs to be around
Fear is racing through my mind
That he again in my arms is what I will not find
Fear races over my heart
For I feel we will soon be apart
Loosing him is what I fear
Now I feel on my cheek a tear
I can not speak
I feel so weak
Fear haunts me right now
Positive thoughts my mind will not allow
I can only see the bad
So I am holding tight on the time that we have had
Time when we were side by side
The time when I never cried
My heart is beating with pain
If loose him I will go insane
His voice I hear
I wish he was here
Instead of there
For the worst I must prepare
If death is in stored for him,
Then for me falling in love again will be slim
Falling in love
Is that what was said above?
I am falling in love and he might be taking away
I wish I can say everything will be ok
But that I can not say
All I can do is pray
For him to come back to me
So his smile and face I can see
If he comes to me tonight
I will hold him tight
I will hold him close
And my feelings will get expose
I will never let go
My true feelings will show
My love will not be lost
No matter of the cost
I think I might love him, so I can not have him die
If that happens then my whole life I will cry
I pray for him to return to my arms
I will laugh again at his charms
I will always care
But loosing him I just could not bare
All I can do is have faith, hope and believe I will see him again
For now this pain I must refrain


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  • 19 years ago

    by Tammi

    Wow amazing so feel of fear and pain and love I can feel them alll as I read this keep it up 5/5