Never forget you can come back

by Sudds   Jan 24, 2006

If you turn when you leave,
You don`t have to cry or greive,
when you disapear just come back for me,
and happly ever after we shall be.

If you want you can come save me.
my brotheren or i shall never kill thee.
the blood aoth i share with them is strong but stronger is my love for you,
for you i would give up all my senses, powers, and sight on cue.

(so just never forget you can come back)


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  • 19 years ago

    by Dark Angel

    Why is it that you want to read me so badly? And why put it on that poem? Hmm.. What good can come of you knowing how to read me completely? It only causes pain for me.. And so.. I dont want you to be able to..

  • 19 years ago

    by Dark Angel

    Im sorry...I told you it was a confession in that didnt read it close enough did you?
