Cut After Cut

by xlovelostx   Jan 24, 2006

This broken girl before your eyes
Sits at home and silently cries
Alone in the dark
She takes the knife to her skin
And makes another red mark
And adds another scar to her beautiful white skin
Due to all of her pain
Her days always end the same
Cut after cut

It's simply just never enough
She takes the knife across her skin
Hoping that she will someday take her life
She lays in bed
And as she stares at each line of red
She reflects on years past
It's becoming more frequent
She's starting to become addicted once again
It's all that's ever on her mind
One reason after another
They just seem to come all at once
Cut after cut

She smiles and feels relieved
All her stress just fades away
No one understands
How she feels or her way of dealing with her pain
She just wants it all to end
She never wants to feel again
With the knife clenched in her fist
She slices her wrist
She drags it slowly across her skin
And there goes another wasted life


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  • 19 years ago

    by alyssa

    Thats an amazing poem. i hope you know your not alone. keep on writing this is really good.


  • 19 years ago

    by TearsLeftUndried

    O0o0o I like it a lot! *claps* I know how you feel, if you were writing that from you point of view. I have a poem like that it's called....wait i forgot....oh yea, My Addiction. Well keep writing! Tootles!


  • 19 years ago

    by Hayley

    This is real good, i can totally relate, keep it up ! check out my poems sometime, peace-hayley

  • 19 years ago

    by DevilWithin

    Yeah I agree with the above I know how you feel, i'm quilty of it. you write so beautifully i love it. xoxo Rach

  • 19 years ago

    by Cari

    Wow, this is really good. its so true how many people go through this. i really hope you don't have the pain you need to be able to cut. you're a great writer though, keep it up!
    loves, cari